Barry M Guest Post from Sophie's Next Chapter!

Posted on October 08 2012

I can't believe it's Monday already - I guess it's because it's a holiday here in Canada! We have a special guest post today for you guys - Sophie from Sophie's Next Chapter which is a totally new blog and a really sweet girl, make sure you follow her, I know you'll see some great posts from her!!


Barry M … Peach Melba.

There are no other words to describe this nail polish other than beautiful! It’s pink, yet with a subtle hint of orange and coral. I was in love after the first time applying it! I originally bought it because it matched my dress for a wedding I attended and I probably have been wearing this colour (re-applying it ha-ha…) for at least 4 weeks now, I love it! Can’t seem to change to another colour.

Barry M has failed on me with a few colours in the past but they have done well on this one!  You need at least two coats for this, but after that you’re done! It’s not the fastest of drying nail polishes but when it’s dry, it’s stunning. You can buy it here, for $7 which is a pretty good price I’d say! In the UK it’s £3.99 so GOOD DEAL! 


Before I painted my nails I shaped them with a nail file, and as you can see they’re squared at the edges, I’ve never had my nails in a nice shape before, I just went with how ever they turned out after cutting them, but I thought that had to stop! After shaping them I can see that the nail polish stays on longer (weirdly) and that my nails look a lot more elegant, well depending on the colour! But you know what I mean.


A huge round of applause for Sophie for letting us have the honour of being her maiden voyage into blogging!!

What do you guys think of Sophie's swatches?!

Are you following Sophie at Sophie's Next Chapter?

If you want to get in on guest posting for Harlow & Co., please feel free to email me at



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